3.5 秋秋这个角色内心很复杂我觉得表演空间其实挺大但22岁的梅婷演技真不太行我刚在思考如果不是他演的我会给几颗星后来又想演员就是电影的一部分我干嘛要分离他们来难为自己靳这个男人由他来演绎舌头伸入下面是不幸中的万幸视死如归也可以坚定且浪漫 “If I can’t live with dignity, I would rather die.” “Death is like returning home.” “It was a tall building, she was in the air for a long time.” It was also a tall building, you were in the air for a long time as well.
生活如果能如此那真真是美好呢并不出彩的影片舌头伸入下面只是抓住了我的理解与期盼美好与欢笑“It was fate”“I don‘t care what happenedI know how it made me feeland I don't wanna feel like that”“understand the unexplainable things we do”