……Cause it's tipped over but still growing. Moonee嚎啕大哭我和鄰座不認識的叔叔跟著痛哭流涕美國版《奇怪的理发店》+1【2018.3.22CGV명동역二刷
星 尘🎧:
这剧一看就停不下来 Netflix一提示更新就全部看完了 心中还是有很多疑问 有点赶
#WeAreOne#直播时导演在线答网友介绍里提到她自己的一些经历奇怪的理发店与家庭主妇的不同“I wrote this story was because I often followed women working in massage parlors when I was a child...When I grew up, my mother also shared her stories in massage parlors, so I have very fond memories of my childhood linked to these places. I think these women are quite unique.”