“Some day they’ll go down together, And they’ll bury them side by side, To few it’ll be grief, to the law a relief, But it’s death for Bonnie and Clyde.” ——大萧条时期女文青抢劫犯Bonnie Parker的自传体打油诗Faye Dunaway好美……
All the girls drink, but I’m the one that gets caught. Story of my life. I always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop. 怀尔德的剧本妙语连珠笑中有泪他的片子里并没有真正的恶人女少18XⅩXX性XXXX片每个人疲于奔命又不忘自嘲苦中作乐乔装逃命的三流乐手满嘴谎言表演混场的女人做梦都想钓金龟婿色迷迷的富翁被爱情冲昏了头well, nobody’s perfect. 那么真实也那么可爱 重点在于影片一大半场景都在一座海边酒店拍摄一眼就认出那是我前年去过的加州科罗拉多大酒店金灿灿的沙滩童话般的建筑复古的回廊人人流连忘返