21.03.05环境科学第四讲纪录片:“它无处可去人与畜禽狗CROPROATION只能漂在这儿” 塑料很好因为它不易损坏;塑料也很坏因为它不易损坏被丢弃的塑料像疾病一样包裹着我们的陆地和海洋 我们可以用完就扔但它们并没有消失 It starts with us.
In every life, no matter how full or empty one's purse, there is tragedy. It is the one promise life always fulfills.Thus, happiness is a gift, &the trick is not to expect it, but to delight it when it comes, &to add to other ppl's store of it.善有善报的大团圆狄更斯确实省心