It is a lady's plot of killing her old husband but being killed at the end. One who follows his nature keeps his original nature at the end. Desire can kill the one having the same. Keep him walking is just like that in the movie of "Apartment".
怀着对这部冲奥种子选手的超高期望我千里迢迢来到维港边上的UA K11 Art House端坐在Laser IMAX厅L排正中间位置准备接受一场一镜到底的沉浸式洗礼结果影片给我呈现了个两镜到底… 两镜之间还间隔个十来秒的非纯黑屏我差点当场喊出了What the fuck… 尽管如此影片给我带来的震撼依然是直击内心深处的本片应该能稳稳拿下奥斯卡最佳摄影、最佳配乐、最佳导演几乎没有悬念至于最佳影片嘛因为近几年给得都很迷我实在猜不透但内心希望是电视剧君子好逑的哈没错我一DC死忠粉都得让小丑靠边站一站…