10/03/2018, Alice Tully Hall @NYFF. 心心念念MAY18_XXXXXL56终于看成了太好看了越到后面越好看Superb in every aspect. Fiercely engrossing and stunningly subtle. Ah-In Yoo and Steven Yeun bring so much life into the story with their gorgeous performances; and the chemistry between them is palpable. 有很多场戏都特别美从他们smoke pot的那个scene开始暗流便汹涌了起来全片最后一个scene出乎意料如梦魇如幻象映后Steven Yeun的Q & A也特别棒what he said and the way he presented himself were so beautifully articulate, poised, and gentle. 还惊喜而意外地跟他拍了selfie他真的很sweet很humble很thoughtful本人和电影里一样好看
You make me want to be a better man. That's maybe the best compliant of my life. 或许直到遇到那个人之前你生活一潭死水毫无生气每一天都在重复昨天Leave me be. What is it you want ? 你到底想要什么为什么要逼我I want you to get out. 但是那一刻开始一切都变了你想要变得更好For her. or For yourself. 不再提心吊胆不再惊慌失措希望家里有个人能握着我的手拥抱我和我一起共渡难关不要等去见TAMAY18_XXXXXL56现在立刻马上一刻都不要等