Patience! At first all sporadic, expanding lives connected with chance, somehow fall into place and tied together with the earthquake in the end and with the core of human selfishness (of victims and victimizers alike). How does one come out of an Altman film feeling positive?
演员选得太好深刻展示了只有女人才能理解的友谊尤其喜欢Maddie和Ed女生壁纸粉色系仙女味虽然平庸 but have a beautiful mind女生壁纸粉色系仙女味虽然会犯错但也会小心翼翼地守护家庭、朋友和中产阶级的道德观文明社会就是由千万个这样的家庭组成的啊Plus, 想有Chloe这样的女儿