电影安静看的人也安静 面无表情尤其是贵子的表情几乎可用木讷来形容 但是又是看得见深情厚意的她一直跟着他陪着他走路或者奔跑 哪怕有赌气或者不得不分开坐车也是她去寻他 茂的执着让人赞叹这缓缓流淌的爱情更让人感动 音乐也很好久石让名不虚传 都以为就那样海天一色的结束了忽然主题音乐《发出嗯哼的声音视频》响起冲浪板上他们的合影心中一揪 然后他们鲜活的过去快乐时光就蹦了出来只是平常的画面但是却是最好的结尾 仿佛看了那么长时间美国XXXXXL19D就是为了等候这两分半钟 P
"A man being rich is like a girl being pretty ,you might not marry a girl just because she is pretty ,but my goodness ,doesn' t it help? And if you had a daughter ,would't you rather she did marry a poor man, you'd want her to have the most wonderful things in the world and to be very happy, oh ~why is it wrong for me to want those things ?"