真青春疼痛文学个人还是挺喜欢的卡哇伊除了女主对男主太残忍这部分你不能在17岁的时候亲完一个人再摔门而去留下对方夜不能寐爱是化学反应所以上头有多美妙戒断反应就有多痛苦但结尾也算解释了女主的处境死亡对17岁来说到底是太过沉重自我厌弃的人怎么能学会爱呢也很喜欢对Being young is so painful这个主题的表现
It's giving out a Get Out vibe but less subtly. The conversation between Luce and the teacher is meaningful and impactful but a little bit overdone. The plotline with Kim is painting an interesting picture of #metoo but ending up a snack eating its own tale: leading nowhere specific.