2022.08.20 BJIFF. 影片也是典型的新浪潮风格看似乱七八糟实际上有一以贯之的主题那就是爱情呀女角色的衣服也都好看极了丁香婷婷色五月激情综合深爱尤其是柯莱特的一袭白色穿搭又有知识分子气息又时髦还夹杂着新式女郎的洒脱其中有一些台词令我们会心一笑因为想到了我们自己还有就是英文翻译有点儿问题有句话是fermes ta gueule意思是“闭嘴”我忘了它翻译成什么了反正英文字幕错了中文也跟着错了啊我爱新浪潮的混乱无序
2.5 Emperor Cinemas; Cinity 120 frames just killed the excitement and speeding feelings of the action scene, it’s too clear and vivid for naked eye; Jr. should be Jaden; how can Henry become his darkness when he didn’t even know his presence? I always thought it’s experience and choice make you who you are, not gene, and the end confirms it.