张律十多年第一部华语片还有近一半日语一点英语和朝鲜话小河的模糊出现和配乐想到两人那部《XXXXWWWW》确实被日本威尼斯柳川种草了最喜欢的部分自慰是河道船行即便剪辑有时觉得突兀也看得很舒服不太能接受有些镜头的不稳明明没有相应焦躁情绪只能说是真的技术原因lost in translation中辛柏青的北京话不过瘾不好笑也不知道是不是有意而为四人关系中欲言又止的比例实在太大必然遭至两极化评论吧
I just wanna look back and say that I did it the best I could while I was stuck in this place, had as much fun as I could when I was stuck in this place, played as hard as I could when I was stuck in this place, dogged as many chicks as I could when I was