"I believe in the rule of law. I believe in the need to conduct investigations. But those investigations are supposed to be difficult for a reason. It's supposed to be difficult to invade somebody's privacy because of how intrusive it is. Because of how disruptive it is. "
八面玲珑关系老手 + 坑蒙骗假艺术家 Vs 耿直低EQ | 其实说到底丁占的便宜就是农场只是个生意上的副业学长求求你把开关关了阅读即便是赔钱也不痛不痒要是真的关乎股东生计的大生意也就没有丁玩得转的空间了 | 根据老舍的同名小说改编
还是不要改变过去命运自有安排enjoy every moment,every minute of life. 好看女主好美好美