xl上司全集翻译逝去昔日不可重来人生的交叉点终将错开而这条通往寂静深处的路也终须走完才是告别一切的标识以“眼泪宇宙”来廓清人在广袤时空里的无力感无需流连不舍因为Sorrow is nothing but worn-out joy;自然景物的呈现与剪接太舒服了宛如漫游过静流的水草接受着时光的冲刷最终以某种隐秘的方式全新舒展
sometimes you just feel exhausted and tired of hearing the complaint.I thought maybe it is my problem.I'm not a good friend.But you just can't stop thatfeeling.when I watch the last episode of the season.I think maybe what I do is reasonable.I have moments felt tired too.And all I want to do is have rest.The most important thing to yourself is you.