The intention of justice is to see that the guilty people are punished and the innocent are freed. However, both sides want to win. They want to win regardless of the truth! And they want to win regardless of justice! WINNING is everything!!
你相信法律还是相信正义 法律不等于正义 只纯粹按照法律办事就像了吗 让无辜的人被抓之后被逼自杀 可以让有罪的人镇定自若的为所欲为的生活 没错这些都符合法律 去他妈的法律正义程序正义 人性呢 人呢多么舍本逐末 多么愚蠢恶心 “we want to win without true we want to win without justice without guilt or not guilt win is everything” 政府司法机关检察官法官 以及律师很对时候只是想赢以来符合自己的利益 而对真相正义都漠不关心 make a deal 哈哈哈哈 检方根本不在乎真相如何 最后律师的搭档被“治愈”了简直就像发条橙 多么荒诞的世界