第3集“How can one person change the world”与外面场景形成的对比真的绝了你所处的世界不过是外面的玩物与收藏你所谓的革命也不过是更高等生物眼里的闹剧不值一提;第7集跟坏morty那集一样神作看了一集就打一星的黑子能别出来秀下限了行吗
I never saved anything for swim back. 【国产又粗又猛又黄又爽无遮挡】They say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving. Maybe I'm going home.
chaotic缩小版世界变得更精彩 the way that they give absolute no fuck on human race is so annoying at times but entertaining mostly, the cruelty is what separates i guess. they are for sure THE aliens. death is reborn to a tree so cute. fulfilment final ep is fun