Ridiculously thought-provoking. The underside of the American dream. When it is often presented as a path to follow, a social and personal ascension, possibly all the way to the top, American Psycho proposes to show us not how you get there, but who you have become at the end of the journey. The MC is a narcissistic imposter, an ultra-conformist consumer, and a cold rational serial killer. Incapable of empathy, fascinated by violence, obsessed with symbols of success, materialistic to the core and profoundly unhappy. But is it possible to break free from the nuclear chain reaction of simulacrums? A radical answer is given at the ending, an outstanding "chute".
@@(2021-09-19)兽王ZOOM CLOUD MEETINGS(All About My Mother) (是催泪没错也挺真情实感的但总感觉很刻意啊剧情没啥意思虽然我在当小三但我是个好女孩不是你一个在北京开的川渝火锅起名叫“湘爱”这三观有点歪啊为什么觉得当地理老师比不上科考员呢“向阳红01号”这名字用得太不讲究了而且还是用向阳红9号代替的)