08年《女儿初长成爸爸来尝鲜的说说》第一部的时候其实还并不知道“电影宇宙”这个东西只是觉得跟以往一般的“超英漫改电影”也别无二致可能和较多数人一样当年更多的在关注另外一部大放异彩的诺兰蝙蝠侠《真人直播视频免费观看》不过与布鲁斯竭力隐藏自己的真实身份不同午夜亚洲精品久久久久久托尼·斯塔克却在最后大方地公开“I’m iron man!”从而有趣地颠覆了一般“超英电影”的调性谁曾想此后10年竟开启了一个时代!
A rhapsody composed of schemes, love, alcohol, film, money, ambitious and integrity. The film is not only about the making of Citizen Kane, but also an impression of 1930s Hollywood, Great Depression and Mank. Mank, the embodiment of brilliance and craziness. A clear mind with a mad heart. Jack Fincher is a genius. Mank oh Mank