悲观长颈鹿的告白:That's what I would do, if I were you. But I'm not. So you do it. 臭屁狮子对饶舌斑马:You know what makes you special? these guys, they're white with black stripes, you're black with white stripes. 摁灭萤火虫关灯
“All the good that ever came into this world came from fools with faith like that.”永远不要嘲笑或轻视理想主义者他们可能失败无数次但是他们一旦成功就会成为不朽的传奇少女频道电影在线观看成为隧道深处的一束光永远不要嘲笑或轻视理想主义者那只能说明理想主义的光芒已经消逝人们对生活不再抱有崇高的理想当年告诉之间只有向黑暗妥协才能实现自己的理想那么迟早有一天你的理想将会变成黑暗