只有5星還是不夠系列 電影版裡的歌都好喜歡let us adore u、true kinda luv、尖晶的主題曲other friends、no matter what、independent together、isn't it luv、change等等XXXXXL19WAS.WAS好像舉不完(笑) 總之好喜歡珍珠的新衣服還有尖晶越看越可愛(o̴̶̤ ᴗ o̴̶̤)太喜歡Sarah stiles的音調了經典且難以超越最後的打鬥片段很精彩史蒂芬好帥…
Gutted!Jesus Christ….这也太TM美好了太解压了; 不堆砌任何理论知识她只是的单纯的告诉你: zs shitty life/world is going to hell eventually, like clammy hands choking u to crash, smashing everything in ur hands, fking reality.(On the piss!?these comments on high horse,i just wish when they tumble off; don’t smack of their heads to the ground,plz: )that’s gross