You have got to be fucking kidding me?! What the hell is wrong with this damn show?!!!!
2011-8-8 // slick epitome;2018-9-24 // 久违的二刷看完《第一序列动漫免费观看全集》和《日产欧产美韩系列区别大吗》再回看这部蛮适合发现更多细节的微妙每个居民都是个社会群体的画像程心、Bernard和Grace(original one at least)圣母biao三巨头XD Are humans good enoughWe are just ARROGANT bugs who think we are making the call. 至少三大领域的核心原理都圆润地融入了影片—— 社会:how people function as a community;经济:capitalism and how value is determined;政治:how to campaign or how to keep everyone happy...... 最后父女间的对话可以说是人生哲理部分精髓了善恶是否存在谁有审判权这是个死胡同结局畅快感十足兽王ZOOM CLOUD MEETINGS尤其是母亲面前杀熊孩子唉still a human after all......(欸竟然都7年了)Every place with humans is a dogville.