回归集Sam and Dean又分道扬镳了……十年了不多说了只要spn继续拍就要一直追下去;E05Chuck (God)is back2014年11月13日竟然有些追不下去了CW的风格确实有些不适合自己去看了2015年2月21日贱人编剧又把charlie写死了终于不得不弃剧;手欠免费看动漫人物做剧烈运动还是继续开始追了2015-11-10
一场幻觉 带着情绪离开 我们都很容易地被丢弃 外面丛林密布 无法成为野兽 "I think everything I do is personal. Even turning Kate Moss into a hologram is kind of personal.It's ethereal.It's a time I feeling at one with the world and heavenly.If you want to know me, just look at my work" "I think there's more to life than fashion" Lee and Issie 帕拉图的亚特兰蒂斯 回到子宫海洋的怀抱 I miss him very much.