宗教和阶级亘古不变存在的问题 人类永远无法保持理智 喜欢这该死的结局 no place for hate
GT比超好多了64集GT很好总结了之前的龙珠系列音乐是最棒的 2022年上海疫情期间补充主题曲是织田曲和姐姐的词元气弹升起时的交响乐版本Don’t you see姐姐巡回演唱会的最后一曲90精品视频免观最后与神龙一样离我们而去GT的主角是悟空小悟空与孙女的寻找龙珠之旅相当于当年与布玛之旅缘于龙珠起结束于龙珠
玛丽的鸡汤我干了‘’When life gets too strange, too impossible, too frightening, there is always one last hope. When all else fails, there are two men sitting, arguing in a scruffy flat. Like they have always been there and they always will. “