Blue is the color of life. 今年的call me by your name一样的悲伤情事却是截然不同的基调没有了意大利乡下的田园夏日有的只是巴黎无处不在清冷的蓝其实故事很简单为什么软的时候好小基本一直聚焦于爱情与人生某种程度上和CMBYN一样也是个coming of age的电影不过架不住导演把法国小清新拍得太炉火纯青不油腻不煽情也没有过分悲伤留给你的只有散不去的怅惘摄影和美术极美在设计感、真实性与视觉美感上找到了理想中的平衡多兰应该学学怎么拍不会太像mv.
How can it be a happy ending story?? Where is the human princess? Things won't be so easy. The prince will choose a princess, not a mermaid. And where is her pursuit for the real soul? Anyway, true love conquers all.