Life is a mess./What does this industry do to people? Keeps us sharp. It keeps us alone. It means we see the world exactly as it is. No distractions, no loyalty/ There isn't a solution to the world... there's not always progress... While you try to hold up a mirror to expose hypocrisies around the edge of a world that doesn't really exist, we influ
*E03一定是整个系列里我最爱的一集了基督教仲裁庭世界上还是有不喜欢吵架的人存在的Cary的post-bailed生活C想自己打拼的愿望和他个性的底色CK海量糖:当初K换地址通知CC在楼梯间给了她一个吻时我根本无法相信他们有一天能发展到这样的程度啊ДОСВ毛毛多СДМИ这种小心翼翼的关系走到如今也没有遗憾了爆哭 *四星给前11集和20集爱前半季对Cary的塑造20集K简洁而坚决的告别配上I think it's going to rain today真的分分钟把人逼哭Cary得到的只有那个微有眷恋的告别的吻和再也不见的背影 *真实感慨不知道Saint Alicia这样个性的人到底是怎么混到今天的被迫辞职SA总算是给了我一点平衡感吧