导演的一切用意,就是为了告诉观众,战争是一件多么可怕的事,可以给人的心理带来无限的伤痛,并影响到周围的所有人.最后影片结束于朋友圈的再次聚餐,少了Nicky,气氛阴郁,而胖子首先唱起了带着哭腔的God Bless America.唉...看到这样的场景,我们能说什么??That's how the world spinning.
始于为爱失去自由А√最新版资源在线官网终于为自由失去爱结尾很美湿着眼眶看完黑屏后大家纷纷鼓起了掌Hans和Viktor这对果然特别上头导演总结得好:"I repeatedly met people who felt the need to define Hans and Viktor's relationship. But is that really important? Do we need a category for everything? They share something deep and meet in their longing for love and freedom. A longing that, however strong the oppression, will always find a way in my opinion."