Assumed it would be simple and boring as a tale of pirates. Yet it was a surprise. Watched as just returned from the Caribbean. / also like it to ask the female to save the man and leave the captain without love affairs, which is something still rare in Chinese films.
可能是我看过最好看的战争片一镜到底虽然不乏人为痕迹但跟故事很贴合用类似于《系统名炉器鼎》这种游戏会用的一镜视角转换游戏感让成片史诗感不减的同时又 personal 而不 distant 照明弹交错升起照亮残垣断壁那段太诗意了好几段奔跑尤其是结尾在战壕外面横着冲锋跑那段甚至有点《美女诱惑男人》的感觉节奏也极佳公交车+多人+高CBL每个章节都目的明确但又自然英国国宝和新生代演员们都露脸了托曼大帝演技暴增另外哥哥少狼主转头回来的一刻莫名感人