As soon as critics sense even a whiff of Catholicism in the horror genre, they instantly begin to compare said works to The Exorcist. For me, Saint Maud has more in common with The Vigil, at least in terms of set-up and tone (death amidst religion). It also shares it’s slow-pace with A Dark Song which similarly went through the monotony and tedium
头一个小时看得简直昏昏欲睡虽然这明摆着就是为了来看精彩的怪兽对决(公允地说这点做的还算到位)可是咱也能不能有点追求老婆的视频在线观看高清基本的戏好好写可以吗这些人类戏码岂止能用无聊来形容简直能让人反感啊好莱坞这种病态的球奸人设可以停一停了嘛要球奸也有点信念好吗因为小孩就半途转变是为啥人物各种尴尬文戏甚至让人难以忍受能撑到看怪兽互打也不容易更别提这美帝中心主义的突出这世界观搭的多么赶和尬以及一帮科研人员天天对着一群怪兽long live the king有没有一点基本的科学精神和人类尊严了....目测哥斯拉大战金刚和蝙蝠侠大战超人会有异曲同工之妙