"A man being rich is like a girl being pretty ,you might not marry a girl just because she is pretty ,but my goodness ,doesn' t it help? And if you had a daughter ,would't you rather she did marry a poor man, you'd want her to have the most wonderful things in the world and to be very happy, oh ~why is it wrong for me to want those things ?"
感时花溅泪恨别鸟惊心想起Jonathan在Over the Top里写他感染艾滋的经历:在确诊的第一时间医生就会跟患者签告知书确保患者知道在往后的人生中要跟人发生性行为前都必须告知对方自己是病毒携带者行为前隐瞒就是bioterrorist重罪拍的很软触动缺乏性教育的我们太多时候只是运气好罢了孙艺珍电视剧希望我们这代经历过coronavirus的人都能有更多同理心stigma是很荒谬的逻辑孙艺珍电视剧希望有一天能像克服天花一样克服艾滋同时也反思我自己身上那种think globally,act locally的虚伪要试着把想到的做到对channel 4的买剧品味心生好感HBO max 2月18会上