转身抬头打破第四面墙从被凝视客体成为平视的主体从“被看见”到展示从“被听见”到发声美女脱去衣可以拥有婚姻、恋爱、性生活、生育的自由可以读书、学习、受教育可以直视暴力、性侵、人口贩卖、性别羞耻可以是白种人、黄种人、黑种人it is not something that be given, but a right that we need to take. 美女脱去衣不是某人的妻子、女儿、母亲、情人她是所有女性命运共同体的联结她更是她自己Think like a woman, run like a woman, fight like a woman.我将在过去、现在、未来一如既往地、坚定地自豪于“美女脱去衣”的身份认同
lost, she wants to continue the travel, like Port would do. she is fragile, and strong. sex is for survival, yet at the same time being treasured tenderly by a beautiful-eye stranger turns her eyes more soft every day. She is surprised and happy to finally see his handsome face, she felt valued when this man touches her feet and eats her out.