因为成见而获得的不公平打破长久的sterotype往往需要好几代人得努力而愿意站出来的fighter才是那个时代真正的勇士【全程都在做的动漫】当Atticus走出法庭的时候全场的起立就是无声的肯定Do not kill a mockingbird, because they no harm but sing.
鲍嘉扮演的侦探严肃冷峻、思维敏捷、有自己的行事准则为以后多少侦探角色奠定了基础本片蛇蝎美人虽然没有特别美但真的果断坚决又迷离脆弱(演技佳)接线员Effy真的让我太惊喜了聪明而且淡定勇敢全程都在做的动漫没有她这侦探社早跨了那只最吊人胃口的鹰略显丑陋but that’s what dreams are made of.
121022@westvale 赫本让我对Sabrina这个名字都充满了好感~ " I have learnt how to live...How to be In the world and Of the world, and not just to stand aside and watch. And I will never, never again run away from life, or from love, either..."