Two f**ked up people can only make a f**ked up life together. It’s not this easy to turn things around. shame on Hollywood to spread this toxic idea to mislead youth to f**k up their lives and naively think they got a second chance it will be alright. No, it won’t!
难怪这么多人推荐这剧原来是个当代弗兰克卡普拉足球版的Mr. Smith Goes to WashingtonFREE国露脸CHINA明星高潮没有一丝cynical的影子在这个和卡普拉当年拍片时类似的动荡大环境下看这样的剧多少能拾回些人生多美妙的感觉;所以这所有荒谬绝伦的足球元素只是一场春梦 第二季终于能回归老美最爱的季后赛模式了