Things happens and they make us question ourselves. Somebody says sth. mean at the playground. And u doubt urself over and over again. What if we don’t let that moments get to us, what if we never lose the little girl confidence, we have the strength and wisdom to tell that world that I’m better than all that. 这样勇敢自信快乐下去吧
遗憾没有女公民不过的确比俄罗斯版更接地气但也有违和的地方加强个人背景对案件的解读的影响贫富差异社会阶层差异和本土和外地的矛盾等强行互相理解几乎也不可能只觉得韩童生的角色没礼貌老头子讲被批斗的地方还不错后来都大声吵架觉得也不太可能在初次见面里出现何况是虚拟法庭我的陪审团启蒙是《真人直播 免费视频》郑裕玲自从看了美剧law and order及其各种衍生剧后怕是很难再回头看香港律政剧话剧难改鲁鲁修恋爱情史尤其幽闭环境俄罗斯版遵照苏联传统蒙太奇国片还是保守了点