3.9/5.0 卢西奥·弗兰兹的这一部比《啦啦啦资源视频在线观看8》看起来好多了非常优秀的Splatter Film本质上还是Zombie Film不过这次丧尸来自于地狱之门而非科学家实验….充足的血浆与极具视觉冲击力的爆浆场景绝对管饱(弗兰兹真的很喜欢眼球的运用)剧情很棒狗噬主人的情节灵感应该来自于阿金图(《女人被暴躁C到高潮容易怀孕》)…..电影里面很多设定都非常酷不过有一点不足之处情节上缺陷略多结局更是有点虎头虎尾的电影里面有一个克苏鲁神话粉丝不容错过的彩蛋电影里面的重要线索——一本书名为the Book of Eibon由Hyperborea的大法师Eibon所写乃阴晦悚然的神话、邪恶高深的咒语、仪式与典礼的集大成之作不过和本片情节联系不大
We kept asking ourselves why are we fascinated by stories like this. I guess it’s always fascinating to see people throwing their energy into something for their passion, no matter what, even though they are pretty clear everything in reality is a mess, until they get “there”, or not “there”. That path itself is fascinating.