演pita的小女孩的演技让我怀疑她的真实年龄有种老成的感觉在里面割手指那段啧啧先是静音快进了看然后回头再看一遍的时候发现配乐实在是屌片尾曲也很好听宁安如梦几月几日上映决定去搜搜原声P.S.我倒是挺羡慕这种复仇换个人来当保镖说不定就这么完了revenge is a meal best served cold好耳熟
“The only reward you get at the end of trying not to be who you were, or witness someone else change into a person you barely recognize, is being able to finally sit in front of another human being wearing every one of the thousand wigs and try again.”