囫囵吞枣地看完大白肥妇BBVBBW高潮真的应该先看剧至少应该先把第一季看完再来看这部的Lynch风格太明显锯齿状的地板格在《强行扯掉裙子》也有再抄一段:According to David Lynch, the movie is about "the loneliness, shame, guilt, confusion and devastation of the victim of incest. It also dealt with the torment of the father - the war within him."
”autonomy vs dependency is the core of ballads of sexual dependency”对艺术生涯的简短回顾穿插此时的抗争像影史有梅里爱和卢米埃尔传统摄影的一支传统就是来自南:卧室里的耻和爆裂一个女性和她身边千千万万女性被侮辱被损害绽放着耀眼的生命力真伟大Droll thing life is that mysterious arrangement of merciless logic for a futile purpose.Themostyoucanhopefor issomeknowledge of yourself that comes too late-a crop of unextinguishable regrets.
没想到这么浪漫看得我旁边的小伙子又叫又哭又笑Love can make us weak, love can make us strong. Love brings us to where we belong, love makes me hold on to who I am. | 复古暖色调影影绰绰的90s风情太戳我 | 无论如何我都会回来所以无论何事我都要搞定有人说是美式主旋律我只觉得挺普世挺有人味儿的假设这是一个架空的国家、架空的机构感动也不打一分折扣啊敌对方都是架空的敌意和对抗性也被弱化从头到尾就是一个人带着一群人攻克一件看似不可能的任务这难道不是发生在很多人生活里的事吗只不过没那么刺激而已