灯效和色彩绝对加分感觉像是把Eliasson搬进了大银幕夜景的灯光失焦反复运用非常有艺术性一开始以为这部电影要用最牛逼的灯光拍最傻逼的剧情了哪知道导演是用最普通的剧本拍最丰富的内容美则美矣也就罢了最后对于情感的着力描绘说服打动我了一家人在暴风眼中艰难疗愈Kelvin Harrison Jr.继Luce之后又饰演家境优渥的问题少年那股子卸下优等生面具后的戾气女儿自己给身体老爸生日礼物一般人演不出来Taylor Russel的灵气也是在万里挑一这两个黑人小演员以后前途无量
Hilda always offers us a fantastic adventure, but more importantly, she ensures us a nice&cozy return, maybe even with a hot coco) It's this assured ending, this love from family&friends that enables us to take on our next journey with courage,confidence&joy. P.S.i reckon being a bug suits Ahlberg pretty well)