Be a taxi driver, love someone, someone doesn't love you, cut hair, workout muscle, cut hair again, kill president, not succeed, kill some trash, save chick, someone sits in your car, you do not take money, and drive into the most lonely street in the world.
桃源岛宛如一个巨型子宫造物者在云端窥视小楚门被海水环绕出生起便自带顶级流量遇见的每一个人都笑脸相迎醒来的每一天都阳光普照说过的每一句话都反复播放这场无期徒刑举世瞩目独他一人还在认真生活男人用时装杂志小心拼凑记忆中的面容无论如何也要前往地球背面的那座岛屿安逸还是冒险他做出了选择“Good morning.In case I don‘t see ugood afternoon good evening and good night.”编剧当年怎么也想不到当下的人们摄像头不离身恨不得24小时循环播放挑好滤镜等待点赞未经发布的人生不值得一过斯人每日三省其身今天经营哪种人设