Cooper等我 我也要来twin Peaks买房产// she said, people tried to be good, but they were really sick and rotten. Her, most of all. Everytime she tried to make the world a better place, sth terrible came inside her, and pulled her back down to hell.
20211212 有数学天赋从小就爱赚钱有很好的导师每天阅读5-6小时保持思考有感兴趣的事情就去做去了解这个圈子的人喜欢自己的工作跳着踢踏舞去上班(笑死)专注又耐心人品好信誉好工作伙伴也很ok妻子与自己着实是灵魂伴侣将自己变成更好的人开始开展慈善事业妻子评价他there is no finer human being than who he is.(泪目)钱其实也像物品一样用不到的钱就像用不到的物品赘婿免费观看应该让需要的人来用(比如我)