音乐填得好满最后也没有什么纯粹的分析欧美IPHONEXSMAX都是用爱来解释所有一切用福科的话说:“Madness deals not so much with truth and the world, as with man and whatever truth about himself." 达利般的梦境图像(剪开眼睛后的眼睛被翅膀追捕)呈现是有趣的
you lie.i lie.this has to end.…you know this has to change.if you don't see itI don't know what to say because we are at a breaking point.either we end this nowand enjoy the time we had and go our separate ways,or we are…or maybe we get married.这一段看了三四遍差点哭了……Kim的破音演技太好了Jimmy的举止也许让她更好地观察自我这一季是最emotion的一季第九集Kim在拉罗超强压力和老公掉线时的智勇的确够得上最佳律师j只能算第二好