Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, No hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too - John Lennon 浪费体裁只有手拉着手对抗军舰那里还有一点意思
华纳、 新线…的片头Logo就觉得有些意思开场后的一曲 Queen-Don't Stop Me Now 更是奠定了对影片的好感(临尾时还用一首 Queen-We Are the Champions 呼应了一下)而后成为全校公交车的日常生活里各种对电影、好莱坞明星的说辞调侃也时不时戳中笑点虽然诸如马克斯右手中枪后时常不痛不痒、狗狗“淌血”等桥段还是让我假从心生但电影整体还是让我看得挺欢乐